It’s free money for me, I don’t hold any other stocks, it’s just because they give them.
I signed a deal for 200k+ a year, and around 10k stocks (worth 250k at the time, worth 350k now).
Would you say no? Haha
No offence, but fuck shareholders. They’re a giant part of society’s woes.
It’s free money for me, I don’t hold any other stocks, it’s just because they give them.
I signed a deal for 200k+ a year, and around 10k stocks (worth 250k at the time, worth 350k now).
Would you say no? Haha 1 year ago
This is an ideal concept but for me a shareholder should be like a private financer that holds an interest on a company that gets sacked the moment the capital they lent is returned with interest.
I could not care less if a company I was invested in stated it was aiming to have a fixed yearly profit of X amount, no more, no less. That would send a clear message the company would be aiming for quality in their products/services and trust with their clients, with no funny ideas behind the scenes to squeeze pennies and dimmes in blood from the employees.
Oh, and as a shareholder, the last thing I would want would be a CEO or whatever chair aiming for bonus: you earn a salary, get benefits, that is it. If you get the boot, you are just another employee, not a rockstar.