Comment on Weekend Off-topic thread 11 months ago
So, most people of my generation smoked. Mostly cigarettes. And most of us gave this up; at least here in the states. I enjoy the aroma of fine tobacco, though, like that used in pipes, cigars, and the occasional shaving soap. It occurred to me that the harmful effects of reasonable tobacco use would catch up with me long after I have shed this mortal coil. So, I took up cigar smoking; smoking hand-rolled premium cigars. I’m enjoying it. Goes quite well with a beverage and an audiobook. In yesteryear, I smoked very cheap cigars at campsites while hiking. The purpose of this was to ward of tiny biting bugs. This works, but there’s no great enjoyment in it. I’m happy to leave that experience in the past in favor of this new one. 11 months ago
Oh, that sounds very nice. I actually also enjoy the scent of pipe/cigar tobacco a lot. Given that I used to be an occasional smoker until my consumption of tobacco and nicotine got way higher than I wanted, I actually switched to vaping in October 2022. I haven’t smoked a cigarette since December 2022, so it has actually helped me to get off cigs for over a year and switch to a less harmful alternative. I know vaping isn’t without it’s harmful side effects either, but like your cigars it has turned into somewhat of a hobby for me too. I have lots of gadgets, coils and I still enjoy nicely tasting and smelling tobacco liquids (especially those extracted from real tobacco plants). I am perfectly fine with knowing that I won’t get off of nicotine; we’re all going to die one way or another and since it gives me enjoyment, I see no reason to quit fully. So continue to enjoy your premium cigars, at least you’re off cigarettes 👍🏻 11 months ago
I gave up cigarettes in the late '70s. I am fortunate in that the byproducts of smoking (ash everywhere, tobacco film coating everything, etc.) annoyed me so much that I had personal motivations for quitting that were prioritized over the health benefits. I enjoyed smoking, but became disgusted by everything else about it. This made leaving it pretty easy for me and that’s uncommon. I do have some of the same issues with cigar smoking, and am working towards managing them.
I know there are downsides to it, but nicotine does allow you to operate normally in doing typical day-to-day activities. It is quite manageable in that way. 11 months ago
Congrats! Being annoyed by the byproducts of smoking (all my clothes smelt like ashtrays, bad breath, yellow stains on my hands) made me quit in the first place and made the switch to vaping easier. Plus, since I work in nursing, a lot of people positively noted that I don’t smell like cold smoke anymore. I hope you’re finding some solutions to enjoy your premium cigars without the side issues. My dad, who’s also still a heavy smoker, usually smokes cigars in his garage or in the garden during summer. That makes tobacco film less of a concern.
Nicotine, like caffeine, is somewhat of a self-medication for my ADHD. I feel like it helps me focus better and even calms me down sometimes. 11 months ago
You might consider meditation as well. A good introduction to its practical benefits are in the book Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Adoption of this practice is, perhaps, the best self-help I’ve done.