They couldn’t afford it and got rid of the employees.
Bullshit. Mcdonalds pays ~$22/hr in Denmark. If they can afford it there, they can afford it here.
Inb4 anybody bitches about firings:…/research-shows-…
Inb4 anybody bitches about inflation:…/does-raising-minimum-wage-incr… 1 year ago… 1 year ago
Thank you for the additional evidence to prove that the idea that a wage hike to $20/hr is quite possible.
The number of people around here licking the boots of the rich is ridiculous. 1 year ago
You sound silly when you say bootlicking.
So you are fine with non minimum wage like Denmark? You are also fine with almost no full time workers like the McDonald’s in Denmark ? You’re also fine with those wages being taxed at a much higher rate on those workers? 1 year ago
Are you capable of having a conversation without attempting to put words in people’s mouths?