Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year agoServers make vastly more than min wage. I generally had $0 paychecks because taxes were higher than my hourly
Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year agoServers make vastly more than min wage. I generally had $0 paychecks because taxes were higher than my hourly 1 year ago
I feel like everything you said supports my point. You’re not in favour of tipping because it’s the morally right thing to do, or because you altruistically support hard workers. You’re in favour of it because you personally make a shit ton more money.
And it completely avoids my point that if you think you deserve that money (which I agree you do) then you should take it up with your employer instead of shaking down customers through guilt.
This is really the heart of it. I’m sorry but no role is more deserving of tips than another. Everyone deserves a living wage paid by their employer. If you truly believed in rewarding good service with good pay, you would want to abolish the tipping system and advocate for all workers being paid a living wage regardless of tips. You can’t just support the industry that you personally work in and say you care about fair pay. 1 year ago
I’m in favor of it because it helps everyone involved. There is no one that tipping is bad for. 1 year ago
Uh… what about the people actually paying the tip? How on earth is it beneficial for the person paying more money for the level of service they should be getting regardless? How is that extra $3 more important to the server than to the person losing it?
Yes, indirectly, not directly. When I buy a burger at McDonald’s, the corporation takes my money and distributes it across all their expenses, including employee salary. If they distribute it so poorly that they can’t afford to give their employees a living wage, then frankly they don’t deserve to be in business. Tipping is just subsidizing the corporation’s expenses by allowing them to pay you less, then guilt-tripping the customer because the poor employee doesn’t get paid enough.
I don’t get the argument that restaurants would fail if we abolished tipping. If a burger right now costs $10 plus a 20% tip, why would customers be afraid to buy a $12 burger outright without the tip? You get paid the wage you deserve, the employer charges what they need to meet all their expenses, and there’s no hidden guilt trip for the customer. And if the business can only stay afloat by underpaying you, then good riddance.
So you’re advocating for all jobs to switch to a tipping model? You must be since you say it’s inherent to fair pay and good service right? Or do you personally get to gatekeep the jobs that are deserving of tips, and coincidentally it’s just the one you happen to work in?
But they will because there’s a federally mandated minimum wage for non-tipped employees. They’ll make the same minimum wage like everyone else (insufficient as I agree that is). You’re fine with some industries getting minimum wage, you just think you personally deserve more
Someone’s being manipulated alright but it’s not the consumer trying to pay the listed price for the product/service. It’s very telling that you think expecting a fair wage from an employer, the payer of the wage is manipulative.
I don’t think I’m gonna convince you of any of this so I’m just gonna back out now. I hope one day you learn to redirect your frustration to the cheap ass boss who thinks an hour of your sweat is worth $2 so he can keep the other $8. 1 year ago
This is the crux of the argument. You’d be paying this anyway, because servers won’t take the job for less money. No matter how you slice it, you’re spending this same amount of money.