Comment on What chemicals and tools do I need to clean my bathroom? 1 year ago
No stupid questions should also mean no stupid answers imo. You’ll need a sponge, a hard scrubber of some sort (I think steel wool fuck your bathroom up). Grime remover of some sort. Soap will work but some stuff is just too tough like hard deposits think “Calcium Lime Rust” for this. Whatever you do DO NOT mix bleach and ammonia, you’ll kill yourself. It’s not too hard to clean overall just a pain in the ass. Keep it clean by doing little bits all the time and it won’t be so bad 1 year ago
CLR is a cleaning product most popular as a spray. Yellow bottle. It’s really effective, and significantly safer than most harsh cleaning products.
Wet & Forget can be great for a lot of tile or glass showers, but it does seem overpriced.
You can also get little cleaning pods that hang into the toilet bowl to prevent build-up from happening.
Avoid the tablets that go in the toilet tank. They can do real damage to your plumbing and it’s not worth it.
Last advice is only helpful if you own your home, but upgrade your exhaust fan. The humidity can cause dust and such to buildup faster.