- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on moshing kitties 7 months ago:
It do be like that sometimes
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 6 comments
- Comment on The Fall Guy to Megalopolis: is 2024 the year of the box-office megaflop? 9 months ago:
My girlfriend and I saw Fall Guys and it’s a great movie!
We originally stumbled upon the Parmount Plus series “Action” about the modern history of Hollywood stunts and loved it. It follows the company that made the John Wick movies, same people made Fall Guy.
The show actually had behind the scenes for Fall Guy stunts pre-release and it was wicked cool. I think part of the flop is from bad marketing. I’d wager nobody knows that show exists and their trailers DO NOT make it clear that all the stunts are practical.
The whole movie is meant to be an homage to classic stunts and they actually broke the record for a car roll. I think if they’d found a clever way to showcase all that intention with the marketing a lot more people would have seen it.
- Comment on What are your opinions about 'handicap' features in games 1 year ago:
I think accessibility options in games are fantastic and as long as they’re optional you can do no wrong.
I think the best thing, that’s still not as common yet, is the ability to custom map game controls within its settings. Steam’s own software can do this pretty well, but there should be support for that in every game up front.
Not only does it make it easier for people missing limbs or dexterity to play games, but it makes it easier for any person to tweak the controls for their play style.
I really hope we see more support for features like this because they can be so useful to everybody.
- Comment on What chemicals and tools do I need to clean my bathroom? 1 year ago:
CLR is a cleaning product most popular as a spray. Yellow bottle. It’s really effective, and significantly safer than most harsh cleaning products.
Wet & Forget can be great for a lot of tile or glass showers, but it does seem overpriced.
You can also get little cleaning pods that hang into the toilet bowl to prevent build-up from happening.
Avoid the tablets that go in the toilet tank. They can do real damage to your plumbing and it’s not worth it.
Last advice is only helpful if you own your home, but upgrade your exhaust fan. The humidity can cause dust and such to buildup faster.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
While it isn’t magic, there is a newfound pressure on the Democratic party to finally break some meaningful ground.
Unfortunately one of the biggest obstacles had been the radically conservative Supreme Court.
Simple arithmetic tells us that if just two Supreme Court Justices were to suddenly disappear from our reality, and re-emerge in another, the court would lean more progressive to allow debt relief, bodily autonomy, and hopefully more.
While there are many ways to suddenly remove people from our plane of existence, there’s no proven way to have them re-emerge in another. Obviously it would be illegal and deeply unethical to suggest such removal without the safe relocation to another plane.
So I guess just learn to kiss fascist ass 🤷♂️
- Comment on Is it normal that I feel pretty bad for ignoring homeless people begging for money? 1 year ago:
Yes, it’s normal to feel like shit about driving past the homeless, that’s your humanity working.
We are not faster or stronger than bears, so we evolved to work together as tribes.
Seeing other humans abandoned by your own tribe should make us feel bad.
No, it is not YOUR individual responsibility to assist others beyond your own means. Retiring in the U.S. costs millions of dollars and that may seem far away for some, but time comes for us all and most can’t afford to help others with their oxygen mask before putting on our own.
When I drive by someone who needs help, knowing I’m not equipped to help them, I get angry at every politician and lobbyist whose life work is making sure meaningful social programs never get started.
My responsibility is to vote for the most humanitarian candidate possible at every opportunity, and to share my values of “people first” any way I can.
We all struggle, and the struggles of others doesn’t disqualify your own. It’s healthy to spend your personal resources on your personal problems, and use your social/political power (vote) to address social/political problems.
Props on being a human being.
- Comment on Why do dinosaurs have big heads and tiny arms? 1 year ago:
Keeps them from masturbating, allows them to transmute their sexual energy into raw power when not actively engaging in sex.
- Comment on Does Tropic Thunder have the best closing credits scene? 1 year ago:
Yes, no contest.
I fucking hate Tom Cruise, he’s a suppressive person. WHERE’S SHELLY!?!?
I would never watch a movie with him in it, but getting him to do a role as an ugly Hollywood scumbag that thinks he’s god is amazing.
I’d also normally never watch a movie with blackface, but Tropic Thunder managed to use the worst of Hollywood to effectively shit on all of it and it will always be perfect for that.
- Comment on nobody knows how it feels 1 year ago:
Bad example. Those desks are shit for everybody.
- Comment on pugs are a cruel human creation 1 year ago:
Like a microwaved Muppet
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
Ultimately, the primary satisfaction of storytelling comes from the story ending.
You can do that episode to episode, season to season, etc. I feel like the best shows balance by having plot archs and character archs that can happen independently of each other. That way each episode or two can close one kind of arch while opening another. Because they are different kinds of problems, they’re less likely to conflict, giving you the sense of closure you crave while also creating a sort of cliffhanger.
That’s really hard to do well though, especially over time. And usually expensive.
A lot of shows start with 2-3 seasons of concepts in mind, and hope to get picked up for more. At that point it gets exponentially harder to go on without detracting from what you’ve already built.
I’m glad that most streaming platforms are starting to see value in shows with a fixed ending in mind, it just makes for better storytelling.
- Comment on How has Instagram largely avoided being associated with Facebook/Meta? 1 year ago:
Because it got popular when it was it’s own independent company, and THEN Facebook bought it.
And that purchase happened in 2012, well before Cambridge Anylitica broke as a story.
It’s more that people saw no reason to leave, and by the time there were good reasons, Instagram was too large and established to easily dump for most people.
- Comment on Does people who hold beliefs that are rooted in hatred ever change to become a better person? 1 year ago:
I’ve always felt that Hate is an absence of Love, like how Cold is an absence of Heat.
You can go to a person and emit all the love in the world, and for some people that’s all it takes, but some people are just too insulated. That usually happens when their hate is tied to an ideology that their identity is dependent on.
Sometimes it’s not an ideology so much as a traumatic experience that associated their trauma with a hatred of some person(s).
In either case, the only way to dispell that hate is for the person to open up their barriers enough for the love to make it’s way in, and that’s a lot of work.