It goes up and down. At peak times usually 5pm-7pm-ish it’s usually substantially more expensive than a standard tariff. So it only makes economic sense if you are either able to shift usage (cook dinner at 4pm) or can use your batteries to do a bit of arbitrage (buying power when cheap).
You have to be a bit hands on, and potentially someone (like me) who finds it interesting
You can get an idea of prices here 1 year ago
You have to take the rough with the smooth. When prices go up you’re the first to see it, but when prices go down you’re the first to see it. Currently prices are still dropping.
There’s a 3hr window every afternoon from 4pm to.7pm where prices go up 15p/20p. If the day has had already high prices because there’s no wind or sun and high, then that can be 45-55p.
Overall, at the moment, I’m saving 20% over Octopus Go, but my usage isn’t heavily biased overnight. Somebody who’s charging an EV or battery every night might do better with more predictable rates. is good to see how the price varies over longer periods.