Comment on i think im diabetic?? i dont want to be but its most likely 1 year ago
As a sufferer of illness anxiety disorder, what you’re describing sounds a lot like the thought processes I went through before seeking therapy for it.
You’ve described very little evidence indicating you have diabetes, but a ton of evidence indicating you have illness anxiety disorder. I am not a doctor and cannot diagnose you, but my suggestion is to talk to a professional who can. 1 year ago
ok thank you i will think about it 1 year ago
I think that thinking about it is the problem. You might do better to chill with the thinking about it and just wait for your body to tell you that there is a problem.
Fill your time with doing things that are useful and meaningful, like dieting, exercising, improving your job and career prospects, socializing with friends, ensuring that you live in a tidy and well-kept location, and setting goals and taking steps to realizing your dreams.
There is a lot to do with life that isn't just worrying about How it ends