Comment on And this is why I no longer have cable. ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

All of that is on streaming, and worse.

A lot of TV has always just been a way to fill the gaps between the adverts as cheaply as possible. Moving from 4 channels to 200 didn’t increase the amount of stuff you could watch, it just spread it all over the place.

It ate itself, streaming is going the same way. Maybe they’ll eventually catch on and have a service that contains every movie and TV show (once they’ve finished in the theatre, and past the Blu-ray/Pay-per-view part of their lifespan where people will pay for it individually), for like £30 a month, and it can be like Spotify and the other music services. A Kaleidescape for poor people. Until then I’ve gone back to mostly yarring it for any new stuff, and using a Jellyfin server.

Nobody wants a dozen services to look through, even if they did have more money than sense.
