Comment on What are the best features of Lemmy that aren't available in Reddit?

<- View Parent ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

This also seems to have the effect of people getting less salty at being down voted, on reddit I noticed the trend of people verbally expressing salt at even a single down vote editing their whole comment to go “and to the brainlet sheeple soyjack who down voted me I’d like you to know yada yada”

Here I notice less people throwing a verbal tantrum over the idea not everyone likes their opinion. Whenever I get the occasional down vote barrage at a spicy opinion I think “ah well can’t win em all, guess maybe my opinion might be a little shit” not “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU YOU TROGLODYTES”, well okay maybe its the second one 1/6th of the time for a few minutes I reserve the right to get salty at petty bullshit on Thursdays and Saturdays 7-3
