Probably a serial number for the stamp. In the US, you can even pay online and print your own stamp, and it uses the barcode to track when you use it, so it can’t be used twice. 1 year ago
What are the QR codes next to the stamp for? We don’t have these in Australia. 1 year ago 1 year ago
That’s really cool. We can’t do that in Australia, would be handy if we could! 1 year ago
You are right but I do sometimes see that same type of barcode stamped on some Australian letters but I’m not sure what it’s used for 1 year ago
You are right but I do sometimes see that same type of barcode stamped on some Australian letters but I’m not sure what it’s used for 1 year ago
Those aren’t QR codes like you are thinking. Its used internally by the post office. 1 year ago
They are used internally but they aren’t exclusive to post offices 1 year ago
Fellow Aussie, equally confused.
These are actually so much cooler than I was expecting!