Comment on question: in the UK we get alot of boycott calls. But should there be a set period for a boycott? I submit a range of offences should have a period of time. 1) food poisoning: 6 months ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I personally only Boycott companies I feel have wronged me currently that’s Sony and Virgin Media.

Neither will ever get a penny from me again. Sony deleted my account with bought Vita/psp games they sent an email saying some UK law made them have to unless I logged in on time the account was already gone when they sent it. (also bullshit no other company has deleted any of my accounts especially with items I’d payed for).

Virgin made me go to an ombudsman because they refused to cancel my contract after raising prices and telling me I could leave if I didn’t accept it.

They kept me on hold, transferred me around for hours at a time to Indian call centres I couldn’t even understand then eventually would either hang up or outright lie about cancelling. This went on for 2 months.

So yeah those two are boycotted for life and they are lucky I’m not in a position currently to sue them.
