Comment on [deleted] ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago


Content Policy

5.0: Lemmy.World consists of a large number of communities from all around the world, leading our federated network.

5.0.1: Before using the website, remember you will be interacting with actual, real people and communities. Lemmy.World is not a place for you to attack other groups of people. Every one of our users has a right to browse and interact with the website and all of its contents free of treatment such as harassment, discrimination, transphobia, and racism of any kind, and bullying, violation of privacy or threats of violence.
5.0.2: Always be respectful of the privacy of others who access and use the website. Never harass or threaten to harass people by revealing personal information or any type of media. Sharing sensitive information or media belonging to or depicting a person or entity (other than yourself) is only allowed on the condition that you have their explicit consent, or that it is publicly available information or media served in compliance with our content policy.
5.0.3: You may not engage in any activities that may interfere with the normal use of or access to Lemmy.World.
5.0.4: Do not post illegal content of any type. Do not engage in any activity that may encourage, facilitate or provide access to illegal transactions. Do not share or encourage the sharing of abusive or sexually suggestive content involving minors. Any violent or otherwise inappropriate behavior involving a minor will also always be strictly prohibited.
5.0.5: Your participation in individual communities will only be acceptable on the condition that you abide by their rules. Always post compliant content that upholds the rules of the individual community and the website, and is of personal interest to you. Do not engage in content manipulation such as posting spam content, vote manipulation through using several user accounts or consistently down-voting a user. Vote for the content, not for the person.
5.0.6: No visual content depicting executions, murder, suicide, dismemberment, visible innards, excessive gore, or charred bodies. No content depicting, promoting or enabling animal abuse. No erotic or otherwise suggestive media or text content featuring depictions of rape, sexual assault, or non-consensual violence. All other violent content requires a NSFW tag. Depictons, imagery or otherwise ancient artwork in any form, other publicly available media entertainment content depicting gore or sexual content may be excluded and allowed, as long as they are fair use, in public domain, or tolerated by the copyright owner, and in compliance with our Content Policy, as well as all applicable laws and their local laws.

5.1: The content provided on Lemmy.World is not necessarily factually true, and hosting it does not mean agreeing, supporting or encouraging it. We only require all content fully comply with the Terms of Service and any other documents that are mentioned and linked to in this document.

My guess is that the 5.0.1 you mention correlates to this list.
