Comment on You guys need to stop
Wear your seatbelt, you ding dong.
ever needed to put something heavy in the passengers seat ? ever needed to move the car a short distance slowly ?
In both cases, wear your seatbelt, you ding dong.
am i required to also put the seatbelt down for the heavy object ? seems a bit unnecessary in both cases :/
If you’re regularly placing heavy objects on your seat, which is a highly unusual thing to do, I’m sure you can either deal with the dinging or figure out how to buckle the seatbelt prior to placing said heavy object.
You must wear a face/I have rights! 5 months ago
ever needed to put something heavy in the passengers seat ? ever needed to move the car a short distance slowly ? 5 months ago
In both cases, wear your seatbelt, you ding dong. 5 months ago
am i required to also put the seatbelt down for the heavy object ? seems a bit unnecessary in both cases :/ 5 months ago
If you’re regularly placing heavy objects on your seat, which is a highly unusual thing to do, I’m sure you can either deal with the dinging or figure out how to buckle the seatbelt prior to placing said heavy object.