Comment on Did Emmett Till’s Inherited Psychopathy Lead Him To Assault Carolyn Bryant? The Evidence Says Yes
realcaseyrollins 2 years agoEnjoy your fanfic if you wish; all he did was whistle at her.
Comment on Did Emmett Till’s Inherited Psychopathy Lead Him To Assault Carolyn Bryant? The Evidence Says Yes
realcaseyrollins 2 years agoEnjoy your fanfic if you wish; all he did was whistle at her. 2 years ago
... According to the victim, no, that was not all.
I thought we were also supposed to believe women's accounts of what they said happened to them..?
Or is that reserved for when it aligns with your political goals?
realcaseyrollins 2 years ago
Calm down bro! Just take a deep breath. And your meds. 2 years ago
Lol just say you're uncomfortable discussing it.