Comment on Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 1 year agoDo you consider it mass murder when you ejaculate? All that sperm can be considered people by your logic. Is a woman having her period or a miscarriage murder? After all, all of those cells or dead fetuses she’s purging are clearly people. If a fetus, which is a parasitic clump of cells that isn’t conscious and depends on the host to survive, is considered a person, then by your logic, so is sperm, eggs, miscarried fetuses, and even cancer. 1 year ago
Why do leftists keep asking that? At first, I thought it was just a one-off dumbass, but now its way past that point.
And sperm are not fetuses. 1 year ago
idk what it is with you americans but why does everything have to be about politics.
Don’t need to put a label to everything that is bad in your opinion. Its your opinion, great, good for you. You don’t have to get an abortion if you don’t like it.
What is the land of the free where everyone is living their way. Other people are just as American as you are and can do whatever they want to, whether you like it or not.
Just because drinking is bad and is killing parts of your brain and i dont like it doesnt mean i get to decide if people can get drunk or not. 1 year ago
I just think killing babies is wrong and shouldn’t be encouraged as a secondary form of birth control. That is a real living human in the early stages and I think it’s sick that we treat their life with such disregard.
Drinking while pregnant is already illegal, so it seems there is precedent in law for treating fetus’ as a human being. You also can get charged with double murder if you kill a pregnant woman. Why is that?