Comment on Tuesday SOTD Thread - November 07, 2023 ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

November 7, 2023 Bleu Teusday

Another “14” style razor. This one is a River Razor fabriqué en France. I became aware of this maker (Boris) a number of months ago via (you guessed it) YouTube and decided to look into his razors. I procrastinated. Then, DrMatt357 (YT again) released a video in which he suggests this might be the best razor ever. Yeah, I thought it was a stunt, but I contacted Boris with some questions. After a bit of discussion I ordered the razor you see in the photo.

Is it the best razor ever? Well, it is very good. I have three other razors in the form factor, though, and they are also very good. Today’s shave was with the “factory” edge. It was very comfortable, but for me to compare properly, I’ll need to put my own edge on this razor. It doesn’t really matter which one is best, though. Having any razor that shaves this well is a joy.

