Comment on How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

The key is that unless you're a white supremacist, white people aren't special. If white people aren't special, then there's no reason why they alone ought to be an acceptable target of racism.

One interesting thing is that once you open the door to racism, the door for racism is open, and we see that. You start off accepting racism against whites, then asians, then russians, then it's just a matter of what day of the week it is, it quickly becomes acceptable to be racist against Jews or blacks.

And I don't mean "oh he made a joke about me" racism, I mean actual hate, which eventually turns genocidal.

And although it's supposedly racist to say so, I'd say a lot of the rhetoric against white people is genocidally racist. Sometimes in terms of physical genocide and murdering an entire race, and other times in terms of cultural genocide and wiping out all traces of "whiteness" as defined as the cultural act of being white.
