Comment on Workers are not valuable ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

The only challenge I face right now is finding someone who will see my value.

I am sorry for your experiences, and am hopeful you will bounce back.

Unfortunately, under our current systems, many are having similar experiences, or even worse. Many, in particular, with chronic or permanent disability face near total disenfranchisement from the workplace, even among those who might support themselves through working at certain kinds of jobs along with appropriate accommodations and subsidies.

None of us is ever paid what we are worth, because businesses exist to extract value from the labor of workers, and doing so requires paying them less than the value they provide to a business.

Unions certainly will help improve work and life experience for the vast majority of the population, by allowing us to negotiate collectively for conditions, terms, and wages that are more favorable than simply the least favorable ones absolutely necessary for an employer to retain some worker willing to perform particular functions.

If we recognize and pursue our shared interests, then we can end the race to bottom that has been imposed on us as workers.
