Comment on Am I strange for not loving Everything Everywhere All At Once? ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Same. I generally like sci-fi stuff and like weird, reality bending stuff, but I just found the movie OK. Not bad, I still liked it, but not on whatever level it was getting placed on by pop culture. I’m assuming this was being done by the Hollywood hype machine, desperate for a hit. I feel like this happens every other year or so where I’ll notice a movie comes out that everyone is talking about. Alot of times the movie comes out late in the year, but then almost instantly gets a big award, which will then get added to the trailers. It’s like, waitaminute, was there really nothing else good that came out this year or is this movie actually that good? I suspect there’s some sort of Hollywood pay-to-play system at work where studios buy out spots or something on movies they’re trying to hype up.
