Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Last game I played was World of Tanks, so…

Society as we know it ended in 1919, after the calamitous fall of every world government. There is no order or law save the will of the Tank Clans, roaming columns of tanks from every nation on the constant prowl for ammunition, fuel and supplies to keep their rampage sustained for even a moment longer.

To be a tanker in this time is to embrace chaos and anarchy. Tank clans commit to bloody battles, fighting to the last man over scarce resources. The victors cannibalize the smouldering wrecks of the fallen for whatever scrap remains. Technological advances come at the cost of hundred fallen, all in the name of making deadlier war machines. This the world I now inhabit, a world of steel and chaos, of armor and war. This is…

The World of Tanks.
