Comment on We should insulate Wolfballs against Communism 3 years agoThose are the exact same arguments I hear when people say not to let a conservatives talk at a liberal university. They start claiming something that isn't murder is murder. We allow all voices to flourish here. Maybe there is room for a instance that only allows conservative opinions. I hate viewpoint discrimination. I'm not trying to convert the whole world to my way of thinking. I respected your view though. 3 years ago
Maybe they are right? Just because you hear them - doesn't make them wrong. Being wrong makes them wrong. Anything that goes against objective reality is wrong.
And there is no point where I am discriminating against view points. Point blank telling someone they are wrong isn't discrimination. They expressed their views, I expressed mine. That is free exchange of ideas.
If someone is proposing an ideology that has killed more people than any other ideology, don't you think that it is wise to ask them to explain how millions of people won't die this time? I think it is.
But whatever, I can guarantee that I will not ban anyone (except for the illegal stuff that will get them kicked off of Woflballs) and I'm not going to censor people. I will call out murder though.