I'd rather say you can speak than ask, can I speak.
Comment on We should insulate Wolfballs against Communism
iamtanmay@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
Yes, you are right. Here in the czech republic, the communists are openly allowed to run for politics and say what they want. The Czechs learned their lesson after decades under the soviets, that the best medicine for Commies is free speech.
They are mocked relentlessly here. Its wonderful to see.
And their arguments are always along the line of: "The Soviets were not real communists. We are totally different than them." snort hahahaha
Scruffy_Nerfherder@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
ZippyTheFox@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
Real communism A.K.A stateless, classless society achieved by revolutionary seizing of the means of production, is a pipe dream. So they're more or less correct, but not for the reasons they seem to think. Humans are too selfish and tribal for it to work on a larger scale than a small village.
iamtanmay@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
Its not a pipe dream - its impossible.
Only a 4 year old would think its possible to flatten society till everyone is equal.
Everyone is different, one is a better artist, one a better mathematician. It is impossible for 1 entity to calculate everyone's place in society.
Capitalism and democracy had the right idea to give individuals the responsibility to decide what they want to do and what value they put on things.
This free market of ideas is the only way to govern any society greater than 1 person. Even in a relationship of 2 people, if 1 person decides everything, its not going to go so well for the other person.
No centralization of authority. Individual liberty is sacrosanct.
yedero@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
Democracy doesn't let individual people decide, it allows the biggest faction to enslave everyone else instead. We need democracy because it tends to be better than monarchy, and the constitution can't protect itself.
iamtanmay@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
Yes, the majority dictates the terms in a democracy, and this can be a problem when a central govt makes decisions for people that are far away from them.
For eg rich EU bureaucrats deciding in Brussels what is good for a small village in the UK. Or a British King deciding what is good for rural Americans. Or Moscow deciding what is good for a small village in Lithuania.
In all 3 cases, the people revolted and fought to have the rights in local govts.
So, democracy has big problems, but a lot can be resolved by not centralizing power in a faraway govt that doesn't understand the local community.
yedero@wolfballs.com 3 years ago
Humans are more self centered than selfish. They genuinely want to help people, give them good things. Things that are good from their point of view. But since we're all different, what we see as good and bad is different too. Selfishness arises after several generations of living without justice, and hastens the collapse of society.