Comment on Dig this trench to protect your landlord's ability to gouge your decendants. 4 days agoServe? In WW3? Will just be suicide. Motherfuckers will deploy, and immediately be hit by a fucking nuke. Imagine this, 1 million troops land on a beach, and then in one instant, 1 million troops are gone immediately. The only real survivors in that war will likely be submarine crews and suited up, souped up, CBRN troops either way too deep into enemy line or way away from the front lines. Any warfare after the nukes drop will just be indicative of whatever fucking spite or malice that’s deep in humanity’s heart. I mean shit, I’ve asked my military friends about WW3 once, and they said that if the world is suffering nuclear hellfire anyways, and they’ve somehow survived? They’d immediately turn their tanks and guns towards the very leaders who sent the world into such a Holocaust.