Comment on Why don’t wireless connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) use anything between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? 5 days agoComment on Why don’t wireless connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) use anything between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? 5 days ago 5 days ago
shouldn’t the arrow be pointing down? 5 days ago
To be fair I was really lazy and just grabbed the first one I saw with “not” inserted into it. 5 days ago
Growing up I always learned (I think) the “insert missing text” symbol was shaped like the one in the pic, like a caret symbol.
The odd thing is I also remember the caret and inserted word being at the top like in OP’s image, but style guides I can find now show the caret at the bottom and the inserted text at the top.…/copy-editing-marks.shtml#%3A~%….
……/chapter_16_deciphering_elements_of_ha… above (search for caret)…/proofreading-editing-marks-symbo…
Wikipedia seems to indicate using a downward facing caret, or a caret with an extra upward arm
All that to say the formatting of OP’s pic, no matter the direction of the arrow/caret, makes it hard to read. A little “don’t dead open inside” or something.