Domestic violence…I read Wikipedia
OOTL, what did he do? 1 week ago 1 week ago
Defended himself from an abuser
OOTL, what did he do?
Domestic violence…I read Wikipedia
Defended himself from an abuser 1 week ago
He was abusive to woman. It’s what ended his career. He was sentenced to some anger management thing for a year. Just recently someone leaked him confessing he did abuse the person. 1 week ago
I’ve never seen an abuser run from a woman but tell me more about this alleged abuse. 1 week ago
I think you replied to the wrong post. This is supposed to be under the one about him defending himself, right?
I dunno though. Abuse is obviously easier in a physical sense from the statistically larger sex, but I’ve seen it go both ways, especially in the sense of both partners being abusive to each other simultaneously. When it comes to celebrities, I will just let the appropriate authorities decide what’s what instead of trying to have an opinion on people I’ve never met. I would feel better knowing that the authorities aren’t often biased by things like racism and sexism, but they’re still better than any zero evidence speculation on my part. 1 week ago
I have no reason to trust the authorities to be able to decipher who is in the wrong in such matters based on what I have seen and experienced. The system is rife with racism and gender judicial bias is the norm. They treat Black lawyers appallingly, so it goes without saying that Black defendants are treated with contempt, at best. If you are a Black male you are assumed to be guilty, the wider society believes so because it tallies with their prejudice. So what if the woman chased him down the street.