Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 4 days agoBecause Israel is literally the only liberal country in the middle east, relatively speaking. If they can expand their influence, less women will be oppressed, less gay people will get thrown off buildings, and Jewish people won’t be massacred until there’s none left in the middle east.
And why are siding with Hamas and Hezbollah? Do you hate LGBT people? Do you just hate women? Do you just want to see the aggressors win?
I bet you didn’t even know that they’ve been attacking this entire time. Just yesterday, Hamas fired 3 rockets in an attempt to kill more civilians. Or maybe you do know and you like killing civilians? 4 days ago
So you’re saying it’s ok if we’re policing the world as long as it’s for liberal countries? 4 days ago
To some extent. We need a good ally in the middle east. I’d say that Germany should be the one footing the bill, but they’re not a particularly reliable ally when it comes to military funding.
Israel is a pretty unique case, and they’re surrounded by those who have done harm and wish to do more harm to us. It’s not a great position, but it’s the one they’re in. 4 days ago
Ok. So we fund countries that are battling other countries that have done us harm. Proxy fights, if you will. So Israel and Ukraine. And cut the rest of the funding for wars.
That seems reasonable. Is that what we’re doing?