To be fair, I think all the extra work he did do helped the luck come to him. He was constantly working and looking to get those roles, so when they did come around, he was ready to take the opportunity. Luck is still the dominant factor, but working to be ready to take advantage of the chance was important too. 1 week ago
That’s still luck, not hard work. 1 week ago
No, it’s definitely both. Luck is going to be the larger factor on that level of success, but there’s still a large portion of hard work that went into it.
We want to dismiss the successful as just being born under the right star, but a large portion of it is still hard work. They get disproportionately rewarded for that hard work, and often they have to do less and less hard work as time goes on… but there was hard work involved, whether we want to admit it or not. 1 week ago
No wonder propaganda is so effective. Someone can tell you to your face their experience, and people will just dismiss it out of hand. 1 week ago
You’re right! The man can say he works hard for years and you dismiss it as entirely as just luck instead of mostly luck.
No one is saying luck isn’t the deciding factor here, we’re just saying there’s also a limited measure of hard work. It’s not all just one thing. There is a very precious few who just keep falling into luck over and over again, but they’re in the extreme minority of even the successful. The majority of them put in some hard work.