Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 22 hours ago
Human mandible shrank a bit the last millenia, probably caused by thebrise of agricolture and easily chewable food, but that left less space for teeth to grow properly 21 hours ago
“Intelligent Design”
Fucking LOL 21 hours ago
I think a lot of folks assume that evolution means “all the crappy stuff whittled out over time, and only the good stuff remains” when in fact I think evolution aims for “eh, they reproduced. Good enough” 20 hours ago
Creationist love to bring up all the wonderful things in the world. They tend not to bring up things like the recurrent laryngeal nerve or bot flies.
In fact, I think they’re confused as to why science would even bring these up. If evolution is a religion (as they often claim), why would that religion point to something so weird or ugly? The answer is that evolution just is, and it does weird and ugly things sometimes. Our job is to study the weird and ugly things it makes while also finding a better moral system than mere evolution.