The official PeerTube app only shows a select few instances.
You should go to whatever PeerTube provider you have a user at and install it as a web app on your phone.
Comment on Stop Confusing Privacy, Anonymity, and Security 1 week ago
I’m trying to follow the Privacy Guides channel on the PeerTube app, but can’t seem to find it. How am I supposed to use this platform?
The official PeerTube app only shows a select few instances.
You should go to whatever PeerTube provider you have a user at and install it as a web app on your phone.
I’m new to Peertube, how do I get good instances to follow?
Check out the two pinned posts at !peertube! One is for selecting the right instance (platform) and the other is to find some interesting channels to follow.
I see how it works now, thanks. What an odd function to leave out of the official app. 1 week ago
I’m trying to read this article, but all I see is a video thumbnail 1 week ago
I don’t think there is an article to read; the video has all the information.