Comment on Opinion | It Isn’t Just Trump. America’s Whole Reputation Is Shot. ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

This is a well written piece full of astute observations. I have a problem with one point, though:

The new civilizational struggle is between hard and soft*.* Don’t overthink this. Trump is not playing four-dimensional chess and trying to pry Russia from its alliance with China. American foreign policy is now oriented to whatever gets Trump’s hormones surging. He has a lifelong thing for manly virility. In the MAGA mind, Vladimir Putin codes as hard; Western Europe codes as soft. Elon Musk codes as hard; U.S.A.I.D. codes as soft. WWE is hard; universities are soft. Struggles for dominance are hard; alliances are soft.

It’s not the difference between “hard” and “soft” that matters here, it’s the difference between “simple” and “complex”. Trump, in every conceivable way, is a simple man, and his followers find that one of his most attractive traits. He, like them, neither understands nor accepts complexity and that informs his world-view and actions.
