Comment on how do i find someone who wants to change my wound dressing? (i can't reach it) 12 hours agoI mean your social life; are there acquaintances who you had met earlier who you could message, “Hey, it’s from (wherever we had met)! How’s it going?” I’m talking about the building blocks to friendship.
yes there are people like that
Don’t you ever get lonely? What do you do in your free time? Was there some kind of traumatic event in your history that led you to develop AvPD, possibly?
not sure. i like meeting new interesting people. maybe:
Have you ever helped anyone and felt good about it as a result?
yeah 12 hours ago
Oh, I had read that post earlier. Yeah, that’s definitely not a good upbringing to have experienced. Sorry you went through that. Thankfully, not all people are bad, so feel free to reach out to any of those contacts and see if you can get something going through lunch or a hobbyist meetup; friendship-building takes time (months of repeated hangouts). If people don’t take the initiative for invitations, then it’s up to us. A lot of people are reactive but not proactive. It sucks but you get used to it.
However, I don’t think that on average you would be able to make a friend that fast to a depth appropriate for wound care, unless I suppose you specifically befriend a nurse or other medical professional, which is not exactly easy to engineer as opposed to happening to just stumble upon someone.
If you were in the Milwaukee area near me, I would be able to refer you to some contacts. Maybe post about this in groups focused on your locale, like a Lemmy community here or a local subreddit or even Facebook group.