Comment on how do i find someone who wants to change my wound dressing? (i can't reach it) 1 day ago
Start liking people. Practice finding things you like with people around you. Things that make you feel they are a good person.
React positively to other people when they say or do things.
Show interest in what occupies other people.
(And of course don’t do stupid shit like lash out or insult people to feel better.) 16 hours ago
what do you mean by a good person? every human has good and bad in them. there is no such thing as a good person:
there are people who make me feel good because they give me various benefits. is that what you mean?
let’s say i followed your advice. then i also need to be open to forming connections. no? I think i currently enforce a boundary that keeps me friendless. any thoughts on that? 5 hours ago
No, but it is a good point to bring up, because it illustrates the attitude you bring to human interactions. It reduces people to transactions, and it shines through. This creates a very strong wall/barrier to forming connections. 13 hours ago
What kind of boundary do you mean and why is it so strong as to prevent friendship? Does it even prevent acquaintanceship? Do you at least have non-strangers in your life? 13 hours ago
it seems like part of me doesn’t want any social connections.
i don’t think so
what do you mean by “in my life”? 12 hours ago
I mean your social life; are there acquaintances who you had met earlier who you could message, “Hey, it’s from (wherever we had met)! How’s it going?” I’m talking about the building blocks to friendship.
Don’t you ever get lonely? What do you do in your free time? Was there some kind of traumatic event in your history that led you to develop AvPD, possibly?