The remake is not developed by Bethesda Game Studios
I mean, Starfield should have been my dream game, but after that…
I dunno. All my enthusiasm for BGS has been sapped, and I adored Oblvion. 1 day ago 1 day ago
I bet the remake will be fine, it’s just technical upgrades, no new writing or anything.
What I am more worried about is “fun” writing and storytelling in newer games. 1 day ago
the scope for starfield was just too much, it was doomed to fail from the beginning. i think they’ll be fine going back to their TES roots. 1 day ago
Wishful thinking. 1 day ago
eh, i don’t see any reason why they can’t churn out another TES or FO like they have been for years. my problems with starfield were mostly unique to the galaxy map and space.