Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 2 days ago
They likely either get pawned, repaired, or shredded/smashed.
Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 2 days ago
They likely either get pawned, repaired, or shredded/smashed. 2 days ago
Who shreds/smashes them? Is there a service for that? 2 days ago
pretty much any police department will accept firearms you want to get rid of them (and they’re legal.) Many will do a gun buy back program with “no questions asked”.
They then either destroy them or sell them off at an auction. Usually, they destroy them. 1 day ago
My gf once was at a police office in Sweden for filing a report. Near the entrance, there was a big solid metal container and the sign “no grenades” on it. It was to deposit guns without any questions asked. 1 day ago
I want to know the story behind the “no grenades” sign. Kind of. It could be hilarious or … very much not.