Monthly amount is the way to go! I chip in a whole fiver over at each month, because that’s easily worth it. You get what you pay for, after all.
Comment on Welcome, new users! 3 days ago
I’m a sponsor and I’m not saying this to get thanked or something, I just want to say that I kick in $2 a month. It’s not a ton but if I can help keep this place running then I’m happy to toss a coin to my admin 🙂 3 days ago 1 day ago
I’m using the Voyager app. Do I donate through the website? I want to cover some costs too. 1 day ago
You can donate in the GitHub sponsorship link in the main post: 3 days ago
Thank you very much for the support!
Our infrastructure costs are currently quite stable at around 200€ per month, and considering that the instance is right now quite decently supporting nearly 6000 monthly active users, you could say that you are indeed relatively contributing a ton - you are effectively covering server costs for 60 people!
The fact that it’s a monthly amount is particularly great, because with recurring income, we will get advanced warning if there is danger of funds starting to run low.