Comment on life changed due to shrimp 5 days agono one ever explained to her what sex actually is.
I have a hard time believing this. 10s on any porn site would make that connection clear, and you could ask pretty much any 12yo and they’ll know what sex is mechanically, even if they’ve never looked at porn or had a sex ed class.
Regardless, I agree wholeheartedly that we need better sex ed and access to contraception and protection against STDs. People, especially kids, are really good at making justifications. 4 days ago
A girl from a religious family in a rural community that was home-schooled until starting at a strict Catholic school in 6th grade and has not looked at porn…yeah, she had no idea what sex is or that what her 3-years-older-than-her boyfriend wanted was actually sex. 4 days ago
Ah, makes sense. If you attend public school for even just a week at anything from 4th grade and up, you’ll know what sex is.