Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 days agoI already cited numerous examples of US propaganda and dinsinformation which included ones that fit your arbitrary criteria of neither too recent nor too old.
I don’t remember you citing anything that falls into the criteria, which isn’t arbitrary btw, it should be obvious that it’s fucking stupid to rely on examples from decades ago if you’re comparing it to another nations current actions.
here’s also shit like this recruitment ad that’s pretty open and explicit about manipulating public opinion.
Are you actually comparing a recruitment ad to Russia’s media manipulation and crackdowns? kill me
It’s also just a completely absurd idea, we don’t do propaganda because, what, we’re “the good guys?” Not how the world works lol, incredibly naive take.
Good thing I didn’t say any of that shit. If you could stop building strawmen out of my arguments because you can’t actually tackle any of them, that would be great.
Please stop telling me things I just told you. Literally in the part you quoted and were responding to, I said, “because they’re not in a position to do so.”
Then stop saying stupid shit if you’re not making any substantive points? What’s the point of saying they don’t do shit to you because they’re not in a position to do so? wow, thanks for the enlightening insight.
But I’m not part of that population.
Bro, this is about YOU. If you want to objectively compare how each government treats their own population, then the fact that the other government doesn’t affect YOU isn’t fucking relevant you moron. 3 days ago
COVID misinformation in the Philippines? The rampant lies leading up to the Iraq War? Those things fit your criteria.
Also, don’t try to pretend that you’re only excluding historical examples, you’re also excluding recent examples, because “Trump isn’t representative of America.” Who knows what you’ll exclude next, maybe Bush isn’t representative either because he lied and that contradicts your worldview.
If you were able to shut down the hyper-partisan moralistic urge to constantly opine on who the “good guys” and “bad guys” are long enough to actually listen to anything I’m saying and look at reality as it is, then you’d understand my point. As it is, you’ve missed it completely.
I’m not interested in discussing, like, who’s more likely to get into fucking heaven. Christ. It’s completely and totally irrelevant to the conversation.
If one person has a gun pressed against my head, and another person doesn’t, then I’m more concerned about the guy with the gun against my head than the other guy. Maybe the other guy is a worse person, maybe the guy with a gun to my head volunteers at the soup kitchen every day and the other guy kicks puppies, but my concern is removing the gun from my head.
What I’m saying is that American billionaires have a gun to the head of the American people in a way that Russian billionaires don’t. And your response is to talk about how the Russian billionaires are bad people. Completely irrelevant to the conversation.
Yeah, it’s not about me specifically. It’s about my class, which has the same material interests as me. If you want to write off my class because it’s “not about us” then good luck in the next election.
I don’t, thanks. Why would I? I’m interested in pursuing political objectives that help me and my class. I’m not interested in “”“objective”“” moralistic goals. 3 days ago
It’s funny to you because you’re too stupid to know the difference between comparing similar tactics used between Hitler and Putin VS using ancient-ass cold war events to justify a contemporary opinion.
Well it seemed like you were very much willing to carrying water for the actions of the Russian state by saying that the US does the same things, if not even worse. Suddenly you have no interest in comparing them? Try having the ability to follow a conversation before engaging in one. 3 days ago
You telling me to “try having the ability to follow a conversation” is pretty rich considering how you’re constantly losing the plot and getting distracted by moralizing, like you’re doing here. You assumed that my goal was to “carry water for” the Russian state by talking about the bad things the US does. No, not really. I don’t particularly care which is worse between the two, at no point have I ever attempted to make that case. You assumed that was my angle, because that’s how you see the world, but that’s not how I see the world and I’ve told you that over and over again. 3 days ago
I’ll try to explain again since once doesn’t seem to be enough. It’s not about how old the examples are. You were using OLD examples to justify an opinion on the US NOWADAYS, while I was merely pointing out the similarities between Putin and Hitlers tactics. The difference between these two should be obvious.
keep shooting out this tired slogan. I’ve just been stating facts. I don’t give a fuck if your goal is to carry water for them or not, you made comparisons regardless so don’t suddenly pretend as if comparing them came out of nowhere and isn’t relevant to the topic.