Comment on HELP HIM 5 days agoA day or two ago, my mother pulled out the old SNES and started playing A Link to the Past (our original cartridge from 1991 that I grew up with is still kicking) and she was telling me how it was going. She beat the Tower of Hera without getting the moon pearl. Which made me wonder.
There are several NPCs scattered around the Dark World who comment on seeing a normal Hylian, can you get to any of them as bunny Link and do they have alternate dialog? 5 days ago
No alternative dialog for most NPCs 5 days ago
I guess they do limit the ones you can get to; can you get to the little…tree dude? In the dark world’s equivalent of Sahasrala’s hut outside the Palace of Darkness as a bunny? 5 days ago
Maybe? Its after the tower of Hera and fighting the wizard but I think you can be pulled into the dark world then without the orb.
That’s probably the last NPC you can get to before you need dark world objects to explore.