The US supported Taiwan for ideological reasons long before TSMC was a thing. Your reading of the situation is completely bunk.
Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 days agoThe whole point of the chips act is bring chip manufacturing to the US so we’re no longer disputing sovereignty for Taiwan to protect the chip manufacturing industry. If we get to the point that we have imported laborers from Taiwan manufacturing chips in the US, the US will no longer be defending Taiwan the way it is now, and it will be firmly under China’s control. 2 days ago 2 days ago
Yes, it used to only be about our global fascist anti-communism war crime spree. 2 days ago
And still is, so your point is still bunk. 2 days ago
So many issues here. I’m sorry but you deeply misunderstand a lot of things about chip manufacturing.
These really, really, really are not laborers. They have nothing to do with labor. These engineers are effectively the same level of cutting edge as the scientists the US picked up after WW2. They are literally national resources - valuable pieces on the international game board.
No, they don’t get deported to economic rivals. Ever. They are not cheap labor. They are assets in the industrial military complex. 2 days ago
If we treated MIC line-item assets well, Lockheed wouldn’t be constantly battling their workers’ union. And these people brought in from Taiwan will enjoy almost none of the same protections, including no fucking way they’d be allowed to unionize. 2 days ago
… You really do not understand the nature of the game that’s being played here, and that’s okay. Feel free to keep thinking of world-class scientists as nothing more than indentured servants. Again, extremely xenophobic to dismiss their intelligence and personal volition, as if they’re just slaves waiting for america to import them. 2 days ago
I understand that’s how it should work. You don’t seem to understand how things actually work in a reality run by capitalists.