Until we do, we can’t stop the current funding source. Feel free to present your argument on your proposed alternate method.
Until we do, we can’t stop the current funding source. Feel free to present your argument on your proposed alternate method.
Maggoty@lemmy.world 2 days ago
Have the rich actually pay taxes. Use that.
partial_accumen@lemmy.world 2 days ago
If you actually serious, you have to do better than that for an answer. How are you going to tax them? What are you going to tax them on? Who is considered rich?
Maggoty@lemmy.world 2 days ago
It’s as fine tuned a proposal as, “tax property”.
partial_accumen@lemmy.world 2 days ago
“Tax property” has finely enumerated rules completely spelled out in the letter of the law in hundreds of different variations across many states and cities. You can certainly disagree with it, but its a fully formed and executed system that is funding many schools today.
What you’ve got so far in this discussion is “stop what is currently in place and make someone else pay somehow”. Thats not even fully formed thought much less an argument that can be defended. Your first statement, and now this follow up tell me you’re really interested (capable?) of proposing a better alternative.