MissJinx@lemmy.world 3 days ago
oh Brazil do divide people just not into colors but into classes and not just between favela and the rest but between every single class. It’s almost like a cast system. It’s really weird hearing brazilians talk about other classes.
Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world 3 days ago
I make 5 cents an hours so I get to live in middle favela, you FILTHY poors who make 3 cents and hour live below me in lower favela
dustyData@lemmy.world 3 days ago
It’s the other way around. Low places are higher income in favelas and barrios because they’re closer to public transportation, formal services, commerces and salaried jobs. The higher you are in a favela the poorer you are and the worse are the living conditions. For the lack of vehicular access and the chaotic nature of improvised construction means government institutions have a harder time reaching people there. So there’s no service support, fewer commerce, lack of legal protection and you’re so far away from the formal city that job opportunities are meager.
Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world 3 days ago
jesus thats bleak, we should put the Olympics there again!