Comment on This is also when I conveniently forget you called, making your preferred method of communication incredibly slow compared to texting.
Or you just dont pick up which has the same effect…
nope, befcause then the other person does not know that you plan on caling back
Maybe i dont plan on doing that. And i can always text them after.
If it’s a person you like why not spent some words on the phone?
I seldom get called by persons i don’t like, because why should they call me?
I mean yeah, depends on who is calling ofcourse, but also im just in airplane mode 24/7 so not gonna happen anyways. The only time people can call me is if there is some kind of event we are going to that requires spontaneous planning.
If it’s a person I like, they’ll likely share my view on the sudden phone calls.
And I’d rather plan for a call with a person I like so that I can have as much uninterrupted time to talk to them as I need. 7 hours ago
nope, befcause then the other person does not know that you plan on caling back 7 hours ago
Maybe i dont plan on doing that. And i can always text them after. 7 hours ago
If it’s a person you like why not spent some words on the phone?
I seldom get called by persons i don’t like, because why should they call me? 7 hours ago
I mean yeah, depends on who is calling ofcourse, but also im just in airplane mode 24/7 so not gonna happen anyways. The only time people can call me is if there is some kind of event we are going to that requires spontaneous planning. 6 hours ago
If it’s a person I like, they’ll likely share my view on the sudden phone calls.
And I’d rather plan for a call with a person I like so that I can have as much uninterrupted time to talk to them as I need.