Most Americans don’t have passports and only know about outside USA from TV and news. And if they’re watching fox, they hate themselves as much as they hate outside USA. So yeah, were uncultured swine in that regard.
I do not feel USA is the best, haven’t in a long time, in fact lately we’re sliding downhill so fast, literally racing to the bottom of everything, education, empathy, human rights, healthcare, basic reading skills, astronomical prices, burnout… You know it, we’ve fucked it up. 14 hours ago
I’m sure if you polled the average American they would not agree that “America is better than the rest of the world “. Maybe 20-30 years ago that might have been true. 13 hours ago
Not sure what the average American is, but every American I’ve spoken to seemed to like it there. 13 hours ago
Liking it and thinking it’s the best in the world are different. I like our national parks, but we’re far from the best. 12 hours ago