Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? ⁨6⁩ ⁨days⁩ ago

I shoot as a hobby and I’ve dabbled with archery

Bows are also harder to be consistent with. The way you nock the arrow on the string, keeping constant pull while aiming and inconsistencies in the arrows all play a part. Guns have similar stuff too but not nearly as bad as long as you have good fundementals.

Ballistics are a big deal with ranged weapons. Arrows don’t go very far or very fast so you really need to know how the arrow will arc and account for that as you aim. The farther the shot the more wind, drop etc will have to be factored into your aim.

I’m going to make up a number but let’s say 50 yards would be a tough shot for a bow. For a rifle that is no problem and most rifle bullets’ paths won’t start to arc significantly until it had travelled several hundred yards.
