Comment on Anon plays a prank 1 day agoI was going to ask which country but your username outed you haha
are they all in Czech or are some in English?
Comment on Anon plays a prank 1 day agoI was going to ask which country but your username outed you haha
are they all in Czech or are some in English? 1 day ago
The English website of the public broadcaster Czech Radio, which produces almost all radio plays made here, only seems to feature 2 relevant articles:
Václav Havel - ‘Guardian Angel’
They say it was their first English-language production of this kind (2004). The full audio used to be available at rtsp://…/EN040928-13.rm?st… or pnm://…/EN040928-13.rm?st… but the link comes from a file from a 20-years-old copy of the article and even if Internet Archive scanned the file for links, it would not try to archive audio streamed over RTSP or PNM. Maybe you can contact Czech Radio to have it reuploaded.
Prague theatre to stage English-speaking live radio plays
Recordings have been made but only excerpts seem to be available online. They said they would upload the full audio if the technical side worked so you can nudge them to follow up on their promise. 1 day ago
ahhh that’s so cool! thank you so much for sharing so much info!
I will definitely be checking these out they sound very cool.
Czechia/CR (what do you call it?) is definitely on my travel list, chasing bohemia is something that I think my soul needs. the idea of bohemia has always resonated with me massively. 1 day ago
Guess what, Charles University Faculty of Education student Bc. Šárka Nygrýnová actually wrote her master’s thesis on her translation of the Záskok play and the history lecture that precedes each staging. The audio play’s script is on pages 15 through 19 of the thesis.
Still, Cimrman English Theatre uses a different translation based on the trailers.