In the US, a vital defense against having your phone stolen is having an Android phone to begin with.
🤣 So do theives just look at my android phone and be like “pfft this peasant got an android” and walk away?
In the US, a vital defense against having your phone stolen is having an Android phone to begin with.
🤣 So do theives just look at my android phone and be like “pfft this peasant got an android” and walk away? 3 days ago
I remember reading a headline somewhere that thieves returned a couple of snatched phones to the owners specifically because they were Androids.
The rest of the world has a much higher share of Android phones than the US. There was and still is stigma around being green bubble in text threads on iMessage. Apple is dominant at home. Teenagers refuse to date folks without iPhones. Etc. 3 days ago…/stolen-android-phone-returned-iphon…