Correctly but, me who is supporting both volt and grüne and even is joining volt in summer, but with volts goal of a united europe,…that seems pretty pro immigration. Not to mention also them wanting easier immigration.
Does your dad know something i dont? 4 days ago
I see peoples issues with the linke as largely unimportant. Having 9% of the seats taken by nato critical people is a healthy contra to the overwhelming majority that would never dare to criticize their sometimes criticism worthy decisions. If you never have anyone looking at things from an outside perspective the governement will lose touch with reality. 4 days ago
Fair enough. While I myself wouldn’t vote for them, I do agree that they are by no means evil. Their position certainly may even be valuable, I concede. I don’t want my preferred party (the Grüne) to be the most radical left party, it’s always good to have an even more left party to balance things out. We don’t want to end up like the US, where even moderate thing like universal healthcare are viewed as radical in the state. Democracy serves it’s purpose. In other words: you’ve pretty much convinced me (though I would still vote Grüne).