3 weeks ago
I am happy people are giving good feedback to you. Empathy is something that you can get more of over time, it’s not static.
Do you feel that the rich deserve all that money and power while you and everyone you know have to work hard for simple necessities? Or does that unfair situation make you a bit angry? It makes me.
You might not personally care about many of these issues emotionally, but you can think rationally.
What happens if the poorest countries in the world becomes uninhabitable due to climate change? Refugees, lots and lots of refugees. No other refugee situation can even closely compare to this.
What happens if you get disabled? A safety net is nice. You don’t have to care about them, but a guaranteed dignified life for them and yourself is to everones benefit.
You might not care about LGBT rights, but that’s exactly why they should get them. Why care, it doesn’t hurt you in any way?
You might not think what the republicans are doing will affect you, but it will. They are cutting the government to the bone at the moment, this will in turn mean the government will provide worse services to you.
They are also implementing tariffs. The new tariff on goods from Europe basically mean that a thing produced in Europe now will cost you 25% more to buy. The same tariffs will be implemented on Canada and Mexico soon. It could surprise you how much is imported from Europe, Canada and Mexico. The thought behind it is that American goods will be priced more competitively. But in the end, you still have to pay more…
This stuff affects you. You don’t have to do much, really. Just vote democrat if this makes sense to you. You don’t have to be politically active. Just go to the booths and vote once in a while.
Just don’t fight against peoples freedom. Feel free to think egotistically though, if you really think about it you probably stand to gain from voting for the left. Unless you are rich of course, then republican might be the way to go. There is a reason the rich love republicans. There are some concepts that might not make immediate sense, which is why you should want higher taxes, the government isnt that ineffective, and that immigration is probably not really that big of a deal. The higher taxes bit is basically that everyone pools their money together, the rich have to pour a lot more into the pool than the average, then the government spends the money on services for all. So you might put in 100$ and someone making twice as much as you 250$. You end up with services which is worth 175$.
When you feel the pull towards the right, consider if what you believe or hear is actually true or makes sense. A lot of the time it is not. The most common “enemy” for the right is immigrants, and now lgbt. Check statistics and do some research yourself when in doubt.
Anyways good luck on your soul searching, and sorry for the long rant/lecture 😉