Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 5 days ago
I highly recommend Leeja Miller to understand what needs to be done and how much of that the Democrats are doing currently
Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 5 days ago
I highly recommend Leeja Miller to understand what needs to be done and how much of that the Democrats are doing currently 5 days ago
Just saw the first 30 seconds but i love her naivete on this. She thinks they’re just coming for people’s rights. Aaawww, cute.
Trump just beheaded the army, making sure trump loyalists are all that’s left.
What do you think will happen when a bunch of death cult christofascists who want the apocalypse to bring Christ back get access to nukes?
What so you think will happen when a mob boss who doesn’t care millions of deaths, who wants to play land grab and steal canada, Greenland, latín America etc gets access to nukes with nobody to control his impulses?
So far things are escalating rapidly and “muh rights” is just the next rung on the ladder. I’m looking three to four rungs ahead and I’m very fucking worried as these shits have shown to give nothing about who dies, as long as they get better off. They also have shown to have no concept of consequences and again, they have access to nukes and now fill control of a military who now will say no to nothing.
And you’re complaining about rights. You think protests will do anything? Not that anyone wants to protest, recent “well stop the city” protests got sometimes even hundreds of people out, ooohh, craaazaaayy! Call me again once you have 100 million people in the streets, those hundreds do less than shit.
I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a dixk, not to you, o don’t know you and I know the YouTuber and I know what she’s saying but I think we’re already way, WAY past all that.
Trump is speed running solidifying his position and once he has full control of all the branches that can stop or slow him, the gloves will come off.
Think it’s bad now? Wait a year. Think you can do anything to stop him? You can’t. Even if you could get millions of protesters in total, even if you could get tens of millions of protesters, its already too late for that, you’ll just look funny walking and screaming in the streets, they won’t give a fuck. You want tos strike? Paralyze the country? Wait until police starts killing protesters and see how long it takes for everyone to stop and go home to cry in a hole.
Stopping trump now requires someone extraordinary to do something extraordinary. I’m not implying anything, I’m simply saying that us plebs are already out of the game.
Maybe maybe maybe if all Republicans cut themselves off and just all Democrats,.maybe they could do something? Them again, too many Democrats are already saying to just support trump and work with him so yeah, forget about all that too.
I don’t know what can be done at this point. I can just only say “fuckyou Americans, all of you, for letting this happen, for unleashing this hell over the world”
If tomorrow Yellowstone would erupt and destroy the entirety of the US, I would just be relieved 5 days ago
What? Leeja Miller has no illusions about Trump being a fascist , Project 2025, or how Trump’s 2nd term will ruin Democracy. She’s a lawyer, so you won’t see her advocating for a violent uprising. She’s focused on what to do within our current institutions to fight back against Trump and Fascism. If you’re looking for revolutionary thought, I would highly recommend Franz Fanon 5 days ago
Ah, yes, because the Nazis were famously beaten by lawyers…
Historically, fascism cannot be beaten peacefully. We cannot appease or argue our way out of this problem.